Monthly Me (July ’19)

July alternated between me getting scorched on my walk to work and days of relentless flood warnings blowing up my phone. There was even a flood warning during the Fourth of July party at my house — though luckily we grilled and chatted without a drop of rain. I think that party I hosted was the highlight of my summer. I’ve never grilled by myself before, never ordered a plethora of party supplies from Instacart…the chopped watermelon, Arnold Palmer, and patties were a huge hit!

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If you’re friends with me on Snapchat, more often than not you’ll see this next to my name:


Yes, I’m the girl who’s a bit trigger-happy with screenshots.  When friends confront me about my this, I swear that I’m not collecting blackmail: I just find disproportionate delight in seemingly mundane photos and text.  Especially for Snapchat — there’s something earthy and guileless in my friends’ selfies that I treasure.

Do you ever scroll through your camera roll and see absolutely useless snapshots?  Yet, even though my phone’s storage protests, I can’t bring myself to delete some of these pictures.   Continue reading

Made in America ’16 (Day 2)

Day 2 of the Made in America music festival.  More independent and slightly juicier than the first day.


I started with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros at the main stage.  I never heard of Edward Sharpe until this event, but I loved how he interacted with the crowd.  He let one fan freestyle rap to one of his songs and asked audience members for stories.  Good vibes all around.

I visited Travis Scott next.  Now, I haven’t listened to a minute of Travis Scott, but I heard someone claim that he’d rather see Travis than Kanye, which I considered a serious claim.  So I stuck around near the back of the crowd, even when Travis insisted that “anyone who’s not here to crowd-surf or rave: get out.”

His fans heeded the encouragement.  People started tossing water (?) bottles, flinging themselves on top of the audience, and climbing a scrawny tree awkwardly standing in the middle of the crowd.  I thought people were going batshit crazy.  Not yet.   Continue reading